Thursday 5 May 2016

How I came to the Catholic Church.

  I'd always been fascinated by Catholics (or at least how they were portrayed on TV and in movies!), but I never really knew what the actual religion was like until about two years ago. I suppose I had some of the misconceptions about Mary, but other than that I really had no idea what they believed. When I really started looking though, I found a religion rich in tradition, history (though not all of it good), and love.

  My family was never super "religious", and we never went to church as a family or really talked about God. I did go to church with my neighbors a few times, but, being a child, nothing ever really stuck. For a long time, I considered myself an atheist, but as I got older, I started to change my mind. I started out looking into both Wicca and Catholicism at pretty much the same time, and I was leaning toward the Wicca side more, probably for about a year. But, then something changed. I suppose it was around the time when I entered university, and met a bunch of young Catholics, and saw their love for God. I also think it is easier to love someone when you can actually talk to them, read about them, and come to understand them. In Wicca, I only had what people told me, and knowing that most of the myths and things were man made (Egyptian Gods, Roman, Greek etc.) made it hard to believe. I suppose it makes more sense in my head, but it's all about opinion, isn't it! In both of those religions or belief systems, there is ceremony, which is one of my favorite parts about my faith. Of course, you can't base your entire faith on something like the fact that you like ceremony, but it's a perk, and it is one of the things that drew me to Catholicism in the first place.

  It took me a long time to actually go to a Mass (another word for church service). I'm more of a reader than a jump-in-and-do-er, so I spent a lot of time reading online and from books in the library. Reading about the beliefs, how the service is set up, what RCIA is, how to pray the Rosary, and lots of other stuff. When I finally got up the gumption to go, I went to a weekday mass (it is a shorter version of a sunday mass for people who want that extra bit of time with God every day), and there I met a lovely older couple who led me through the mass, introduced me to a few people, and really embraced me as a daughter of Christ. They made everything a lot less scary, and even introduced me to the chaplain on campus!

  Of course, if you've taken grade 8-10 Social Studies in school, you'll know that Catholics were not the nicest people, burning witches, being super invasive and closed- minded. However, it is of course a religion followed by humans, and humans have a habit of doing mean things when they have power. Being Christian does not mean you are immune to being power hungry, bigoted, racist, etc. and bad people have a habit of getting power (think Hitler, Stalin, you know the kinds of people I'm talking about) However, this religion  has also given birth to some amazing saints (Mother Teresa, Therese of Lisieux and hundreds of other loving, charitable people). Nowadays, there is still a mix of good, loving people and not-so-nice bible-shakers, but that is okay. We are all on a journey, and love is the most important thing in life.

I have made some amazing friends in this Church, but I have also made other great Christian friends who follow other churches. I don't think that this Church is the only "true" Church, although I'll catch some flack for saying that! I think that religion is a way for you to encounter God, and different people need different things. Don't forget, I'm also human. I don't claim to know everything, and for all I know, I could be completely wrong. But loving them for being human is really all that matters. The basic principles are the same across the board. Love your God above all, and love your neighbor as yourself (plus the other commandments).

I'll tell you more about what RCIA was like for me in another post, which is basically a course where you learn about the beliefs you'll be following, and allows you to grow in faith with the help of your sponsor or godparent, but for now, this is how I came to the Church.

Love and blessings of Christ! -Sarah

Tuesday 3 May 2016

A little about me...

  Hello there! I figure that since we don't know each other yet, my first post will just tell you a bit about me, what I like, and who I am without giving too much away (a girl's got to have a little mystery, after all!)
  As of this moment, I am 19, and I have completed a semester of university at the school in my town. I live in northern British Columbia, and I am schooled in the lovely language of French. Fun fact, I have only been on one date, I think. I say "I think" because there have been other outings with guys, but I don't think they were dates. Although I love spending time with people, I suppose you could call me conservative. I'm not really the date-just-to-date kind of girl, I think relationships should be for keeps; I wouldn't date a guy I couldn't see a future with.

  My favorite past-times are reading and netflix (the latter a little too much), and can I just say that I am super jazzed about the new Gilmore Girls revival! I have kind of a love-hate relationship with that show. On the one hand, I love the characters and stories, but on the other, the way they talk, so quick and witty, sounds too rehearsed to be natural, even given how much coffee they drink. However, I am excited to see how the cast has changed in their acting styles. One thing that is the mark of a good actor is their ability to see the flaws in their past work, and change them! Hopefully their pacing improves!  I am also in love with the Outlander books and the new-ish TV show! The casting is amazing, and I love being able to see so much Scottish countryside! It makes me excited to go there and get to spend time in that lovely landscape!

  I love traveling, and as soon as I am done the grueling 7+ years of school to become a doctor (not to mention residency!), I am planning on taking a really long break to go traveling through Europe. This brings me to another (obvious) little tidbit... I want to be a doctor. I love science, and the human body, and I really want to do a job that (I feel) matters, where I can make a difference in someone's life. I never really thought about medicine until my dad kept needling me about it, but it turns out he was right! Originally I wanted to be a vet.

  One last thing, which should probably be at the top of the list, is that I am Catholic! I was baptized this Easter (2016), and it was the best decision I've ever made! I try to be really open, and follow the two greatest commandments: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as thyself. I try to embody all the good of this faith, and shun the bad. Come follow me on my journey through life!

  That's all for now, stay tuned for more about me, including more current faves, study goals that I am making for the new school year, and lots of other goodies! Please comment about other stuff you'd like to see and hear about! Love and blessings! -Sarah